Saturday, November 19, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Dem frozin bonez ...
It's not hard, keeping the pups busy. All you need to do is get a medium to large marrow bone that's been chewed a few million times, stuff the open ends with peanut butter, and freeze it. Then, when the pups need something fun to play with, give 'em the bonez!

Beau has his own method!
If the bone gets brittle - if little pieces break off when the pup chews on the bone, which inevitably happens after a few months of use - I disgard the bone. I've heard that dogs can swallow some pretty nasty stuff, so I don't let the pups chew on anything unless I'm nearby, watching them. It won't take long for the pups to get into as much mischief as they are can.
When there's no peanut butter bone, the pups chew on any number of chew toys available to them - if they can get the toy. It's usually 'first come, first served'.

Samantha found a chew toy.
Of course, all toys are not ment to be chewed. The pups have their chew toys ... and they have their 'catch and fetch' toys. Lil' Dickens has a little stuffed snowman with red-rope arms. When he has that little snowman, he's all bark ...

Just try to get that toy from Lil' Dickens!
I'm grateful to have pups that get along with each other. Yeah, they may have their spats ... Beau being the Alpha male, he is the boss of the dogs - next to me, of course! And as the boss, he has to keep a close eye on the other pups.

After a time of chewin' on each other, the pups take a break. And the first place they head to is the picknic table. The pups like to hop on the table, probably because they have such a good view of the yard. Or maybe because they are closer to me - all I have to do is reach out and ...

And, the pups do get a good petting after play time.
They get a good brushing, too, when they need it.
And after they get tired of all the chewin' and the playin' and generally causin' mischief - and after I get tired of takin' em out and bringin' em in and takin' em out again ... we all sit back and relax.
And I just look at them.