Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Backyard Dogs
So, what have the dogs been up to?
Of course, they've spent most of the summer playing together in the backyard.
Wanna' see? (click on 'play' arrow twice)
We'll be back ... hopefully, with a little surprise for Kira's friends!
See you soon.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Dog Daze of Summer
I know, I know. It's been awhile; we must be in a daze. Rather, we must be in them Dog Daze of Summer! Samantha says, 'Come on in, and say Hi!'
Beau still hangs out around his bone ...
Lil' Dickens fancies the flowers ...
Samantha likes all the bones ...
Beau keeps an eye out for friends ...
Lil' Dickens likes the girls ...
Samantha wants you to come back soon ...
She'll just lay around, and watch for you!
The dog days of summer are lazy days ... mostly; just sittin' around and playin' around and ...
Don't be gone so long next time. We miss you!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Beau's name comes from the word 'bodacious'. Bodacious means remarkable or impressive.
Today, I met a bodacious young woman who made a jolly old man's day. Her name is Heather. I got a bodacious hair styling, as well.
This pic is for Heather and her friend at Salon Avalon; I hope she thinks it's just bodacious, too!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Another Fine Day
Eternity might last forever, but a day is only twenty four hours long.
It doesn't seem to matter how I start the day ... I wake up early and my dogs wake up with me.
And it doesn't seem to matter how I spend the day ... I think about my dogs and my dogs think about me.
What really matters most is how I end the day ... I end the day with my dogs, and that's just fine with me!
I hope you had a good day, too!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Watching Dogs
Dogs have been kept as family pets for over a ka’billion years, and for good reasons, including the fact that dogs make good watchdogs!
Dogs have served the family as herding and working dogs, as hunting or gathering dogs, and as watchdogs and companion dogs. All I know is, if I needed a bone chewed down to a nub in a minute, I’d hire a dog!
Shucks, I don’t need to hire a dog. I have plenty of dogs, and they all are experts at bone chewin’! Wanna see?
Beau relaxes while he works on his bone.
Kira has her hands ... er, paws full!
You couldn't pry Samantha off her bone.
And check out lil' Dickens at work on his bone!
The only thing better than watching a bone chewin' dog ... is watching a watchdog that's watching bone chewin' dogs!
And when it comes to watching dogs, I guess I have my hands full, eh?
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Another Fine Mess!
It’s a bright, spring morning; and things couldn’t be finer.The air is fresh and crisp.
Why, the whole day feels clean and fresh ... and company's coming!
But for the pups; it only takes a little of this ...
And a little of that …
And it’s another fine mess they’ve gotten themselves into.
You know, pups are just like kids ...
Why, they'd like nothing better than to just play and play the entire day away.
And OH what fun they'd have!
So, the pups have found another mess? That’s just fine with me!